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microcontroller Projects
program for Dual DAC, RAMP wave in 8051
#include <REG51xD2.H>
unsigned char i=0;
P0 = 0x00; /* P0 as Output port */
P1 = i;
P0 = i;
P0 = 0;
P1 =0;
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AT90LS8515 Digital Message Machine
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Audio Homing Robot
Automated Juice Mixer
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Autonomous Parallel Parking RC Car
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BCD number to ASCII in 8051
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Blind Bot
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Digital thermometer
ECG monitoring system
GPS Data Logger with Wireless Trigger
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IAR Embedded Workbench IDE
Laser Communications System
Line following van
MSP-EXP430FG4618 Development Tool and the eZ430 kits
MSP430FG4618 device implement a Buzzer tone generator
MSP430FG4618 device implement a Real Time Clock
MSP430FG4618 device implement a voltage ramp generator
MSP430FG4618 device present a message on the LCD Basic
Microcontroller(8051) Lab
Mivo- RFID based mobile payment system
Multi-Zone Fire Alarm System
PC based temperature control
PIC 16f877 RPM Meter
PIC16C54 dual dice electronic project circuit
PIC16F84A digital thermometer microcontroller project
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Program Block data transfer in 8051
Program to add two BCD numbers in 8051
Program to check whether a 4th bit of a byte is 1
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Program to find the LCM of two numbers in 8051
Program to find the square of an 8 bit number in 8051
Program to generate 50msec delay in 8051
Program to implement BCD counter to count from 0-99 in 8051
Program to implement BCD counter to count from 99-0 in 8051
Program to interchange two blocks of data in 8051
Program to multiply 16 bit number by 8 bit number in 8051
Program to search an element in an array in 8051
Program to sort an array of 10 elements in 8051
Programming the ez430
Proximity Security System
RAMP wave in 8051
RC Car Controller
RObo Dog
Radio-controlled Truck
Retina color tracker
Robotic Arm Controller with GUI
Robotic Car Traction Control
Safety-sensor vehicle
Security Entrance System
Self-Powered Solar Data Logger
Snake Arm Ultrasonic Positioning Control System
Store FFh if 1
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TI MSP430 Microcontrollers
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TouchPad Drawing Board
Ultra-Sonic Parking Assistant
Ultrasonic Parking Controller
Ultrasonic Range finder
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eZ430-F2013 Development Tool use SD16_A ADC
eZ430-RF2500 Development Tool use ADC10
else store 00 in the same location in 8051
find the GCF of two numbers in 8051
find the average of 10 numbers in 8051
generate Fibonacci series in 8051
metal detector project
microcontroller using IAR Embedded Workbench
program for Elevator Interface in 8051
program for Stepper motor interface in 8051
spectrum analyser
square wave in 8051
triangle wave in 8051
voice recognition security system
Sites U missed
*Abstract* 100BASE-T4 was an early implementation of Fast Ethernet standards that carry traffic at the nominal rate of 100 Mbit/s, against the original E...
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Paper Presentations
Performance improvement of PID-controller for integrating systems with time delay
Integrating systems with time delay are found in modeling of liquid level systems, liquid storage tanks, boilers, batch chemical reactors and bottom level...
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Matlab Projects.....
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Microcontroller Projects
8051 Microcontroller Based DC Motor Control
A m -Controller Based Thermostat
A Microcontroller Based Turbidity Meter
add two multibyte numbers in 8051
ASCII to BCD conversion in 8051
AT90LS8515 Digital Message Machine
Audio Frequency Response Analyzer
Audio Homing Robot
Automated Juice Mixer
Automated Pet Feeder
Autonomous Car
Autonomous navigating robot
Autonomous Parallel Parking RC Car
Autonomous Search Robot
Autonomous Tank
Autonomous Vehicle Contrast Following Rover
Balance Bot
BCD number to ASCII in 8051
Blind Bot
Blood Pressure Monitor
Bloodshed Dev-C++ 5 Compiler/IDE
Breath Alcohol Tester
convert a decimal number to hex number in 8051
convert an 8bit Hex number to decimal number in 8051
convert hex number to ASCII number in 8051
Converters on TI MSP430
CrossStudio MSP430 IDE
Design of a Real-Time Digital Guitar Tuner
Digital clock project using PIC16C54A microcontroller
Digital Oscilloscope
Digital Stethoscope
Digital thermometer
ECG monitoring system
else store 00 in the same location in 8051
eZ430-F2013 Development Tool use SD16_A ADC
eZ430-RF2500 Development Tool use ADC10
find the average of 10 numbers in 8051
find the GCF of two numbers in 8051
generate Fibonacci series in 8051
GPS Data Logger with Wireless Trigger
Handwriting Recognition Systm
Home energy managment
Home Security System
IAR Embedded Workbench IDE
Laser Communications System
Line following van
metal detector project
microcontroller using IAR Embedded Workbench
Microcontroller(8051) Lab
Mivo- RFID based mobile payment system
MSP-EXP430FG4618 Development Tool and the eZ430 kits
MSP430FG4618 device implement a Buzzer tone generator
MSP430FG4618 device implement a Real Time Clock
MSP430FG4618 device implement a voltage ramp generator
MSP430FG4618 device present a message on the LCD Basic
Multi-Zone Fire Alarm System
PC based temperature control
PIC 16f877 RPM Meter
PIC16C54 dual dice electronic project circuit
PIC16F84A digital thermometer microcontroller project
PIC16F886 horn driver
Program Block data transfer in 8051
program for Dual DAC
program for Elevator Interface in 8051
program for Stepper motor interface in 8051
Program to add two BCD numbers in 8051
Program to check whether a 4th bit of a byte is 1
Program to convert ASCII to hex in 8051
Program to count from 0-9 in 8051
Program to count number of 1's in a given data byte in 8051
Program to divide an 8 bit no by another 8 bit number in 8051
Program to find largest of n numbers in 8051
Program to find the LCM of two numbers in 8051
Program to find the square of an 8 bit number in 8051
Program to generate 50msec delay in 8051
Program to implement BCD counter to count from 0-99 in 8051
Program to implement BCD counter to count from 99-0 in 8051
Program to interchange two blocks of data in 8051
Program to multiply 16 bit number by 8 bit number in 8051
Program to search an element in an array in 8051
Program to sort an array of 10 elements in 8051
Programming the ez430
Proximity Security System
PWM motor contoller with MSP430
Radio-controlled Truck
RAMP wave in 8051
RC Car Controller
Retina color tracker
RObo Dog
Robotic Arm Controller with GUI
Robotic Car Traction Control
Safety-sensor vehicle
Security Entrance System
Self-Powered Solar Data Logger
Snake Arm Ultrasonic Positioning Control System
spectrum analyser
square wave in 8051
Store FFh if 1
Super Train Controller
TI MSP430 Microcontrollers
Timers on the MSP430
TouchPad Drawing Board
triangle wave in 8051
Ultra-Sonic Parking Assistant
Ultrasonic Parking Controller
Ultrasonic Range finder
Voice Activated Alarm Clock
Voice Recognition Robotic Car
voice recognition security system
Voting Machine
Weather Station
Web-Monitored Thermostat
Wireless Drawing Device
Wireless message Communicator
Wireless Telemetry
Write a C program to display the code of the key pressed in 8051
Zigbee Wireless Relay Control and Power Monitoring System
Dec 29
Dec 27
Dec 26
microcontroller using IAR Embedded Workbench
MSP430FG4618 device implement a Buzzer tone generator
MSP430FG4618 device implement a Real Time Clock
eZ430-RF2500 Development Tool use ADC10 to perform...
eZ430-F2013 Development Tool use SD16_A ADC
MSP430FG4618 device present a message on the LCD B...
MSP430FG4618 device implement a voltage ramp gener...
MSP-EXP430FG4618 Development Tool and the eZ430 kits
Microcontroller(8051) Lab
program for Dual DAC, RAMP wave in 8051
program for Dual DAC, triangle wave in 8051
program for Dual DAC, square wave in 8051
program for Seven segment display in 8051
program for Stepper motor interface in 8051
program for Elevator Interface in 8051
Write a C program to display the code of the key p...
Program to generate 50msec delay in 8051
Program to implement BCD counter to count from 99-...
Program to implement BCD counter to count from 0-9...
Program to count from 0-9 in 8051
Program to find the square of an 8 bit number in 8051
Program to add two BCD numbers in 8051
Program to check whether a 4th bit of a byte is 1,...
Program to convert ASCII to hex in 8051
Program to find largest of n numbers in 8051
Program to count number of 1's in a given data byt...
Program to divide an 8 bit no by another 8 bit num...
Program to sort an array of 10 elements in 8051
Program to search an element in an array in 8051
Program to multiply 16 bit number by 8 bit number ...
Program to find the LCM of two numbers in 8051
Program to interchange two blocks of data in 8051
10. Program to convert an 8bit Hex number to decim...
Program to convert hex number to ASCII number in 8051
Program to find the GCF of two numbers in 8051
Program to generate Fibonacci series in 8051
convert a decimal number to hex number in 8051
To transfer a block of data from one memory locati...
Program to find the average of 10 numbers in 8051
ASCII to BCD conversion in 8051
rogram to convert a BCD number to ASCII in 8051
Program to add two multibyte numbers in 8051 micro...
Introduction to CrossStudio MSP430 IDE
Timers on the MSP430
Converters on TI MSP430
Bloodshed Dev-C++ 5 Compiler/IDE
Bit Manipulation in C for TI MSP430 Microcontrollers
Introduction to Programming the ez430
Introduction to the IAR Workbench IDE
PIC 16f877 microcontroller based RPM Meter
Dec 25
program for Dual DAC
8051 Microcontroller Based DC Motor Control
A Microcontroller Based Turbidity Meter
A m -Controller Based Thermostat
ASCII to BCD conversion in 8051
AT90LS8515 Digital Message Machine
Audio Frequency Response Analyzer
Audio Homing Robot
Automated Juice Mixer
Automated Pet Feeder
Autonomous Car
Autonomous Parallel Parking RC Car
Autonomous Search Robot
Autonomous Tank
Autonomous Vehicle Contrast Following Rover
Autonomous navigating robot
BCD number to ASCII in 8051
Balance Bot
Blind Bot
Blood Pressure Monitor
Bloodshed Dev-C++ 5 Compiler/IDE
Breath Alcohol Tester
Converters on TI MSP430
CrossStudio MSP430 IDE
Design of a Real-Time Digital Guitar Tuner
Digital Oscilloscope
Digital Stethoscope
Digital clock project using PIC16C54A microcontroller
Digital thermometer
ECG monitoring system
GPS Data Logger with Wireless Trigger
Handwriting Recognition Systm
Home Security System
Home energy managment
IAR Embedded Workbench IDE
Laser Communications System
Line following van
MSP-EXP430FG4618 Development Tool and the eZ430 kits
MSP430FG4618 device implement a Buzzer tone generator
MSP430FG4618 device implement a Real Time Clock
MSP430FG4618 device implement a voltage ramp generator
MSP430FG4618 device present a message on the LCD Basic
Microcontroller(8051) Lab
Mivo- RFID based mobile payment system
Multi-Zone Fire Alarm System
PC based temperature control
PIC 16f877 RPM Meter
PIC16C54 dual dice electronic project circuit
PIC16F84A digital thermometer microcontroller project
PIC16F886 horn driver
PWM motor contoller with MSP430
Program Block data transfer in 8051
Program to add two BCD numbers in 8051
Program to check whether a 4th bit of a byte is 1
Program to convert ASCII to hex in 8051
Program to count from 0-9 in 8051
Program to count number of 1's in a given data byte in 8051
Program to divide an 8 bit no by another 8 bit number in 8051
Program to find largest of n numbers in 8051
Program to find the LCM of two numbers in 8051
Program to find the square of an 8 bit number in 8051
Program to generate 50msec delay in 8051
Program to implement BCD counter to count from 0-99 in 8051
Program to implement BCD counter to count from 99-0 in 8051
Program to interchange two blocks of data in 8051
Program to multiply 16 bit number by 8 bit number in 8051
Program to search an element in an array in 8051
Program to sort an array of 10 elements in 8051
Programming the ez430
Proximity Security System
RAMP wave in 8051
RC Car Controller
RObo Dog
Radio-controlled Truck
Retina color tracker
Robotic Arm Controller with GUI
Robotic Car Traction Control
Safety-sensor vehicle
Security Entrance System
Self-Powered Solar Data Logger
Snake Arm Ultrasonic Positioning Control System
Store FFh if 1
Super Train Controller
TI MSP430 Microcontrollers
Timers on the MSP430
TouchPad Drawing Board
Ultra-Sonic Parking Assistant
Ultrasonic Parking Controller
Ultrasonic Range finder
Voice Activated Alarm Clock
Voice Recognition Robotic Car
Voting Machine
Weather Station
Web-Monitored Thermostat
Wireless Drawing Device
Wireless Telemetry
Wireless message Communicator
Write a C program to display the code of the key pressed in 8051
Zigbee Wireless Relay Control and Power Monitoring System
add two multibyte numbers in 8051
convert a decimal number to hex number in 8051
convert an 8bit Hex number to decimal number in 8051
convert hex number to ASCII number in 8051
eZ430-F2013 Development Tool use SD16_A ADC
eZ430-RF2500 Development Tool use ADC10
else store 00 in the same location in 8051
find the GCF of two numbers in 8051
find the average of 10 numbers in 8051
generate Fibonacci series in 8051
metal detector project
microcontroller using IAR Embedded Workbench
program for Elevator Interface in 8051
program for Stepper motor interface in 8051
spectrum analyser
square wave in 8051
triangle wave in 8051
voice recognition security system
microcontroller-library. Powered by
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