
ECG monitoring system

ECG monitoring system


Unexpected cardiac death, also known as “sudden death” is a frequently fatal form of arrhythmia which kills more than a quarter of a million people each year in the United States.   Confronted with the devastating effects of unexpected cardiac death and with the pursuit of advance understanding of cardiac diseases, my partner and I – Young Ho Cho and Jeff S. Lee - plan to design and build a heart monitoring instrument which measures the electrical activity of the heart, also known as an electrocardiogram (ECG / EKG). 

Unexpected cardiac death can be further classified as ventricular fibrillation - irregular twitching of the ventricles replacing normal contractions - in which more than half of those victims die within an hour of the onset of symptoms and before any medical assistance.  According to the American Heart Association's 1999 Heart and Stroke Statistical Update, coronary heart disease caused 476,124 deaths in the United States in 1996 and since, it has been identified as the single largest killer of both men and women in this country and the world. 

High level design

            Our EKG monitoring instrument uses the Atmel Mega103 microcontroller to control and store the data acquired via EKG monitoring systems involved.  Our primary objective is to accurately measure the electrical activity of heart with EKG monitoring instrument.  This is achieved by building an instrumentation amplifier which is specifically designed for bio-electrical signal measurement.  In addition, two active filters – one high pass and one low pass – were employed to eliminate measurement errors.  The high pass filter was used to remove any dc drift with cut-off frequency of 0.2Hz, while the low pass filter was used to eliminate anti-aliasing effects.  More detailed hardware designs are described below.

            User input from the PinD0 initiates the data acquisition process. Once initiated, the signal acquired via EKG monitoring instrument goes through the Analog to Digital Converter of the microcontroller at sampling frequency of 720Hz and this data is stored in external SRAM.  Upon completion of data acquisition process, the user can initiate transmission of the stored data via the Hyperterminal to be interfaced with Matlab.  Data can be further analyzed with Matlab software for future studies, such as RR interval analysis, QT interval analysis.

Hardware Design

When detecting and recording the EKG signal, there are two main issues of concern that influence the fidelity of the signal.  The first is the signal to noise ratio.  That is, the ratio of the energy in the EKG signal to the energy in the noise signal.  In general, noise is defined as electrical signals that are not part of the wanted EKG signal.  The other is the distortion of the signal, meaning that the relative contribution of any frequency component in the EKG signal should not be altered.  To meet the above conditions and requirements, a design for the amplification system proposed as shown below.

Two bipolar leads shown on the left (i.e., they detect a change in electric potential between two points) detect an electrical potential change in the frontal plane.

Burr-Brown      INA126P
Instrumentation Amplifier - increases the signals by a factor of up to 10000.

Texas Instrument.         LF353 
Operational Amplifier - High-Pass Filter removes DC base line drift by cutoff anything below 0.2 Hz.

Burr-Brown      ISO124  
Isolation Amplifier - intended for safety precaution.  This transmits the signals optically, thus isolates the circuit from the patient.

Texas Instrument.         LF353 
Operational Amplifier
Low-pass Filter accounts for Anti-aliasing effect.

The figure displayed on the left illustrates distinctive sections of EKG signals.

All components were powered by one 9V battery thus making the EKG monitoring system much more safe.




            Instrumentation Amplifier –

The gain of this stage is set by connecting the external resistor R as shown:

G = 5 + 80 Kohm / R

Our case, G = 800

            Isolation Amplifier –
            The ISO124 isolation amplifier uses an input and an output section galvanically isolated by matched 1pF isolating capacitors built into the plastic package.  The input is duty-cycle modulated and transmitted digitally across the barrier.  The output section receives the modulated signal, converts it back to an analog voltage and removes the ripple component inherent in the demodulation.


                High-Pass Filter –

            The high pass filter was designed to have a cut-off frequency of f=0.2 Hz          

            Assuming C1 = C2 = 1uF = C

            R1=1.414 /wC = 1.414 /1.256e-6 = 1.125e6 Ohm

                Low Pass Filter –
The low pass filter was designed for a cutoff frequency f = 1000Hz.

                DC-DC Converter –

            1W Isolated Unregulated DC/DC Converters from Burr-Brown had been used to supply the power necessary for all components.  One 9V batter supplies power to Ateml board.  Vcc and ground from Atmel were connected to DC/DC converter in order to produce +12V and –12V output.  


Software Design

Software – Since we were using Atmel’s Mega103 microcontroller, we were able to support external SRAM as well as the A/D converter. The EKG output was inputted into the A/D converter, where A/D conversion complete-interrupt was used to store the data into our array.  The program starts taking the data when PIND0 is pushed.  Using timer 2 overflow interrupts, we were able to gain data acquisition of 720 data points per second.  The program constantly takes data until a character is received through the UART signaling that the computer is ready to receive the data, or the external SRAM runs out of space.  When the computer is ready to receive the data, we print out the data to the hyperterminal screen where the text can by captured by the hyperterm.  The data is then plotted in MATLAB.

Things we would do differently next time - One of the things that we found out too late is that even though printing out the data is easier to code, it will take much time for us to print out all the data on to the hyperterm.  It did not hit me until too late that printing out that much data will take time.  We have tried to work with the XModem protocol as originally suggested, but I could not figure out why the CRC check was not functioning correctly.  Another thing that we neglected to do while trying to figure out the XModem protocol was that we did not put in a reset function for the code.

Results of the design

            The EKG monitoring system performed very well.  The graph shows Matlab display of the acquired EMG signal at 360Hz after the A-D conversion process.  The bicep muscle was flexed approximately at 1Hz.


Future Development

-         Due to the size limit of RAM, the acquired signal can only be stored for approximately 2 minutes.  We would like to attach a storage device, which would enable us to store the data for more then six hours in the future.
-         Data transfer is currently performed through two-step process.  Once all data is displayed through hyperterminal, the result is saved as a text file, which later would be loaded into Matlab.  This is a cumbersome process and we would like to export the data directly by using data acquisition system, provided in Matlab.
-         Most commercial EKG monitoring system has more then one channel to acquire EKG signals.  We would like to add multiple channels to the circuit for future use.
-         The current sampling frequency is set to be 720 Hz. However, we would like improve this by adding a User Interface that would allow adjustable frequency in the future.


EKG Monitoring System
Block Diagram


Source Code
//Final Project - Young Ho Cho, Jeff S. Lee
//EKG monitor source code                                
//Takes 720 data points every second from the output of the A/D converter
//when PIND0 is pushed.  The result is outputted to the hyperterminal

#include <mega103.h>
#include <stdio.h>       //for debugging using printf, etc

//timeout values for each task
#define t1 1 
#define t2 30

#define maxData 30000

//timer 1 constants
#define prescale1 1
#define clear_on_match 8

//the subroutines
void sampleData(void);        //test for button press
void keyCheck(void);          //for non-blocking
void initialize(void); //all the usual mcu stuff
unsigned char reload;                     //timer 0 reload to set 1 mSec
unsigned char time1, time2;               //task scheduling timeout counters
unsigned char cmdReady;                   //set when command is received   
unsigned char stop;                 //stop flag

unsigned char data[maxData];        //array of data
int index;                          //index

//timer 2 overflow ISR
interrupt [TIM2_OVF] void timer2_overflow(void)
  //reload to force 1 mSec overflow
  //Decrement the three times if they are not already zero
  if (time1>0)    --time1;
  if (time2>0)    --time2;
//ADC interrupt overflow ISR
//when A/D converter is done, it reads the output and stores it
interrupt [ADC_INT] void ADC_done(void)
  int temp;
  temp = ADCW;
  temp = temp/4;
  data[index] = (char) temp;

//Entry point and task scheduler loop
void main(void)


  //main task scheduler loop -- never exits!
    if (time1==0) sampleData();
    if (time2==0) keyCheck();   

//sampleData   -- sample the data if array not full
void sampleData(void)
  int i;                //used for indexing in for loop
  time1=t1;                         //reset the task timer

  if(index==maxData) {}

  //if the data array is not full, or it's not ready to output data,
  //read data
  else if(cmdReady==0 && index<maxData)
    ADCSR = ADCSR | 0x40;

  //if the comp is ready to output data, print the data
  if(cmdReady==1 && stop==0)
    for(i=0; i<index; i++)

//keyCheck  -- non-blocking keyboard check every 30 mSec
void keyCheck(void)
  if (USR.7)            //RX done bit
  if (!PIND.0)      //PinD0 pushed

//Set it all up
void initialize(void)

  // Port A

  // Port B

  // Port D

  // Port E
  //serial setup for debugging using printf, etc.    
  UCR = 0x10 + 0x08;
  UBRR = 25;            

  //external SRAM
  MCUCR = 0x80;
  //set up timer 2
  //for 720 data points per second    
  //86.8 x (64x.25) microSec = 1.39 mSec, so prescale 64, and count 87 times.
  reload=256-87; //value for 1 Msec 
  TCNT2=reload;   //preload timer 1 so that is interrupts after 1 mSec.
  TCCR2=3;        //prescalar to 64
  TIMSK=0x40;           //turn on timer 0 overflow ISR 

  //init the task timers

  ADMUX.2 = 0;
  ADMUX.1 = 0;
  ADMUX.0 = 0;

  ADCSR=0x80 + 0x09;

  //crank up the ISRs


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